How to Maintain Kidney Health Naturally

How to Maintain Kidney Health Naturally

Kidneys are vital body organs that filter waste from the blood and aid the body in eliminating them through urine production. Kidney health is imperative for the overall homeostasis of the body. Whether you have suffered from a kidney condition in the past or simply want to prevent future problems, there are a variety of natural methods to maintain kidney health.


Begin with a healthy and natural diet avoiding substances that damage the liver. The more natural your diet, the easier your body can digest and process foods, protecting your kidneys from harmful chemicals.


Drink plenty of water to help your kidneys eliminate toxic chemicals and waste products. For an estimate of how much you should drink, halve your body weight and drink that in ounces of water. So, if you are 150 lbs., try to drink 75 oz. of water every day. You can exchange part of this amount with fresh squeezed juices from organic fruits and vegetables.


Cleanse your kidneys once a month by making watermelon seed tea. Pour one pint of boiling water over 1 tbsps. of crushed watermelon seeds and steep for 5 minutes. Strain the seeds and drink. Drink the tea once a day for 3 days.


Get lots of physical exercise to help reduce stress naturally, improve kidney function and maintain overall health. Both physical activity and sweating can help your kidneys to eliminate toxins and wastes.

Tips & Warnings

Following these steps will not only promote and maintain kidney health, but can help prevent kidney stones.

Substances that are especially harmful to kidney function include: alcohol, hydrogenated oils, refined salt and sugar, additives, preservatives, milk containing hormones and soda. You should also avoid tobacco, antibiotics and fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides.

If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis or another serious kidney condition, speak to your doctor before administering kidney cleanses or engaging in heavy physical exercise.

How to Maintain a Youthful Appearance

How to Maintain a Youthful Appearance

It is possible to maintain a youthful appearance, despite your actual age, by detoxifying your body and eating healthy. Avoid putting toxic chemical compounds on your skin and you'll benefit as well. We all age fast enough as it is, so it is a good idea to not hurry along the aging process with our own bad habits.

Things You'll Need:

All natural skin care products

Organic foods

Vitamins and Minerals

How to Maintain a Youthful Appearance


Drink small doses of vinegar and honey each day to detox the body. Drinking a teaspoon of colloidal silver every day is also a great help in detoxification. If you drink a lot of water along with these treatments, it will help to wash out the toxins. Everyone needs to detoxify their bodies, as there are simply too many poisons in the world today. Another method of doing this is to add one drop of iodine to a glass of water each day and drink it. Iodine is a necessary element for good health.


Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol excessively. Once you stop partaking in these bad habits, it will help to eliminate the signs of premature aging. It will also help to keep toxins out of your system. If you do smoke, quitting now can make all the difference in the world in how you look and feel. Additionally, according to Dr. Jospeh Mercola, using sunscreen is bad for the health of your skin as it prevents your skin from producing vitamin D, which your body needs for healthy functioning. Regular use of sunblock is liable to make the skin age faster than it normally would.


Eating unnatural foods that are filled with chemical additives is a very bad idea, as they are often indigestible and hard on the body. By eating mostly foods that are natural you are able to not only aid your digestion but you are following your body's natural design. Organic farming is one alternative to eating foods with chemical additives, though the organic food products are usually more expensive than the regular versions.


Use only all natural skin lotions on your skin or olive oil rather than chemical face and hand lotions. The natural products will easily absorb into the skin, making wonderful moisturizers that will not harm you in any way. Olive oil also contains many essential nutrients that help promote vibrant good health. Read labels on skin care products very carefully to determine what is natural and what is not.


Take vitamin and mineral supplements in as natural a form as you can find. Read the labels carefully to make sure they are all easily digestible. Calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D and Magnesium are all essential elements for healthy, youthful skin, hair and nails. Calcium is not needed just for bones and teeth but is found in every single cell of the body, so it needs to be supplied on a daily basis.

How to Magnetize Water

How to Magnetize Water

Magnetic water is a controversial treatment but one of the most powerful in magnetic therapy. One of the biggest controversies is whether water can be magnetized. The theory behind being able to magnetize water is that as the water flows underground, it comes in contact with the earth's electro-magnetic field and the magnetic charge is passed into the water. When the water is treated for drinking, it is put through metal treatment pipes, which de-magnetizes it. Also, water only holds its magnetic properties for three days. Magnetized water has many healing benefits and can be made at home using one of three techniques.

Things You'll Need:

one of these three magnets: Bar, disc or funnel magnet that is 800-3,000 gauss/80-300 m tesla

Water wand ( long thin cylinder magnet that looks like a pen) that is 2,300 gauss/230 m tesla

A magnetic coaster (a flat disc)that is 3,000 + / 300 + m tesla


For the first method, start with the bar, disc or funnel magnet. Drip tap water over the magnet and let a glass or pitcher catch the magnetized water.


Because the water only has a short amount of exposure to the magnet, it's hard to say how much of the magnetic field is being absorbed in the water.


The next method uses the water wand. Fill a pitcher with tap water and drop the water wand into the pitcher.


For one to two liters, leave the magnet in the water for one hour. For more or less water, adjust the exposure accordingly. It is not harmful to leave the magnet in the water for a long time.


The last method uses the magnetic coaster. Place a container of water on top of the magnetic coaster for 24 hours. Due to not having direct contact with the water, this is the slowest method and requires the strongest magnet.

Tips & Warnings

You cannot "over-magnetize" water.

Magnetic strength is important to ensure maximum magnetic absorbency.

How to Lower Risk of Cancer With Mushroom

How to Lower Risk of Cancer With Mushroom

Maitake Mushroom has long been thought of as a cancer-fighting mushroom. Grifolan is a main ingredient. It's a beta-glucan polysaccharide which means its sugar molecules are linked together. It's been proven to boost the immune system. Studies show maitake can stop cancer tumors from growing.


Know that Maitake mushroom has been found to be successful when dealing with leukemia, stomach and bone cancers.


Use Maitake mushroom in conjunction with chemotherapy for the most beneficial results.


Get a Maitake mushroom supplement with a patented formula. You want a compound that will enhance your immune system. Dosage varies from 150 to 3000 mg. Take first thing in the morning or twice a day between meals.


Take Vitamin C along with the Maitake mushroom. It will help you body absorb the Maitake.


Tell your doctor about your intention to take Maitake mushroom. It's always a good idea he know exactly what you're taking in case it interferes with your medication.


Buy wild Maitake mushrooms. Soak them in water until they get soft. Saute them in oil and prepare as a side dish or put them in soup.

Tips & Warnings

Store the Maitake mushrooms in a paper bag in the refrigerator.

How to Lower Progesterone Levels Naturally

How to Lower Progesterone Levels Naturally

Progesterone at healthy levels is an important steroid hormone found in the human body. It is produced in women's ovaries during active menstruation cycles, but also can be found in the adrenal glands and made in the placenta. Progesterone is useful in helping regulate the levels of estrogen in the body, lowering the chance of endometriosis. Less well known roles of progesterone include regulating the immune response, slowing the digestive process, reducing anxiety, and building and maintaining bone.Many people have low levels of progesterone, especially women who have reached menopause, and so progesterone supplements are readily available. However, when the progesterone levels are too high, there is a whole different story. This article will explore how to lower progesterone levels naturally.

Things You'll Need:

natural supplements to lower your progesterone levels

body's own ways of reducing progesterone levels

diagnosed high levels of progesterone

doctor visit


Your body will naturally lower progesterone levels on its own as you reach menopause. Although some women maintain levels of progesterone by the adrenal glands taking over production at menopause, most women's progesterone levels drop close to zero at menopause. If you are about to experience menopause, your body can lower your levels of progesterone on its own.


If you miss an ovulation cycle, meaning you don't ovulate one month, your levels of progesterone will be lower. This is because right after ovulation, the level of progesterone is increased by the body. (This means that some forms of birth control may lower the progesterone level without you doing something additionally.) The body lowers the level of progesterone itself during the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.


There are certain parts of the body involved in the production and synthesis of progesterone. Progesterone is produced in the ovaries from pregnenolone. So, if your ovaries are removed due to cancer, for example, your levels of progesterone will naturally decrease.


Make sure you actually have levels of progesterone that are too high. Don't just assume. Visit your doctor and get tests to check for progesterone levels. Serum tests are generally recommended over saliva tests for assessing accurate progesterone levels.


Find out what is making your progesterone level too high. High progesterone levels may be a result of endogenous factors, such as adrenal hyperplasia. Getting this condition under control will lower progesterone levels. An exogenous factor would be high levels of progesterone due to progesterone replacement therapy. The doses could be lowered or stopped to naturally reduce the level of progesterone.


If your high level of progesterone is not due to an exogenous or endogenous cause, this means that your base level of progesterone is too high. Discuss with your doctor how to handle this. Your doctor may suggests prescription remedies that are not natural, so make sure to let your doctor know you would like natural remedies. (A holistic doctor might be your best bet.)


Consider the possibility that emotional factors are contributing to your low levels of progesterone. Bioenergy balancing theorizes that unresolved emotions held in the body can alter the body's ability to balance hormone levels appropriately. In this case, psychotherapy or some other type of counseling may help to naturally lower the level of progesterone in the body.

Tips & Warnings

To find natural remedies for lowering your progesterone, you may wish to visit holistic or alternative medicine doctors, who know more about natural sources and know how you can find such remedies.

Don't assume that your levels of progesterone are too high. You could end up lowering your progesterone to a level that is too low, which can have negative effects.

How to Lower Glaucoma Risk With Alternative Medicine

How to Lower Glaucoma Risk With Alternative Medicine

Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease in which interocular eye pressure increases and damages the optic nerve. People with glaucoma gradually lose vision and may become blind. Some of the risk factors for glaucoma are being over 60 years old, having diabetes, not getting enough exercise and family history. Stress can also play a role in developing this degenerative disease. Alternative medicine can be used to promote eye health, and a healthy overall lifestyle may also lower the risk of developing glaucoma.

Things You'll Need:

Exercise routine

Ginkgo biloba

Bilberry extract

Biofeedback sessions


Adopt a daily exercise routine to achieve a healthy body. People who exercise on a regular basis tend to have less interocular eye pressure (IOP) and therefore carry a lower risk of developing glaucoma. Take an aerobics class, start jogging or sign up for an adult


Take herbal supplements that contribute to eye health as a way to lower your risk. Ginkgo biloba, an antioxidant, and bilberry, made with an extract of European blueberries, are 2 substances used in alternative medicine to increase the blood flow to the eye and to promote optic nerve health. Many health food stores, including GNC, carry gingko biloba and bilberry (see Resources below).


Cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume to lower your risk of glaucoma. Caffeine may increase your IOP, which is a determining factor of the disease.


Use biofeedback to keep your eyes--and the rest of your body--healthy. Biofeedback is an alternative therapy used to regulate bodily functions such as blood pressure, stress, heart rate and body temperature, and it can be an effective treatment for many conditions. Find a biofeedback practitioner through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) (see Resources below).


Lower the risk of glaucoma by reducing the stress in your life through acupuncture. Acupuncture is often used to relieve stress and symptoms of depression by opening the channels of the body's energy. Find local acupuncturists with (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Alternative medicine is not a substitute for regular eye exams. Glaucoma does not exhibit any symptoms until vision loss begins. Only an eye care provider can perform tests to determine if you have the disease.

Head-down positions in yoga and other sports may actually contribute to more IOP. If you participate in these activities, limit the length of time spent in inverted positions if you are at risk for glaucoma.

How to Lower Cholesterol With Shiitake Mushroom

How to Lower Cholesterol With Shiitake Mushroom

The shiitake mushroom grows on the wood of dead deciduous
in Japan. It has been used for its medicinal affects for 6,000 yeas. Shiitake mushrooms can lower your cholesterol levels and promote the bad cholesterol, LDL, to convert to good cholesterol, HDL. Shiitake mushrooms also help your body eliminate whatever cholesterol it's taken in.


Know that it's shiitake mushroom's low concentration of lentinan that helps to lower cholesterol. It's also good for treating viruses and boosting your immune system.


Take 1,000 to 4,000 milligrams per day of shiitake tablets or capsules. If using a fluid extract, aim for 3 to 16 milliliters or 3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per day if taking a LEM extract.


Find shiitake mushrooms in your grocery store. Or go to an Asian food store. They usually carry shiitake mushrooms.


Look for shiitake mushrooms that are plump and firm. Avoid the mushrooms that are wrinkled or have slimy spots.


Wipe shiitake mushrooms with a damp cloth when you get them home. Water can make them soggy so use very little, if any.


Store shiitake mushrooms in the refrigerator. Put them in a paper bag and close it loosely. They should keep for a week.


Add shiitake mushrooms to soups, sautГ© them with garlic and onions to create a topping to meat or add them to tomato sauce to top pasta.

Tips & Warnings

Eating shiitake mushroom powder for a long time can cause stomach upset, photosensitivity and dermatitis.

Limit your shiitake mushroom intake if you have gout or kidney problems.

How to Lower Cholesterol With Alternative Medicine

How to Lower Cholesterol With Alternative Medicine

People with high cholesterol are at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Prescription medications are very effective to lower cholesterol levels when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Those who do not want to use medicine to lower cholesterol levels may turn to natural or alternative medicine as a solution. Yoga, acupuncture and herbal supplements are all alternative methods that may help lower cholesterol.

Things You'll Need:

Fiber-rich diet

Hawthorn berry supplements

Astragalus supplements

Garlic cloves or supplements

Yoga class or instructional videos

Licensed acupuncturist


Incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet to help lower cholesterol levels. Foods such as oatmeal, fruits, leafy green vegetables, beans and lentils all contain high levels of fiber, which assists in lowering the "bad" cholesterol in your blood called LDL. Add ground flaxseeds and flaxseed oil to your morning cereal or yogurt as an added boost.


Use Chinese herbal therapy as an alternative way to lower cholesterol. Shan Zha, also called Hawthorn berry and Astragalus are herbs that realign the body's energy (called qi) and can be beneficial to cholesterol and cardiovascular health. Both of these herbs and many more vitamin and mineral supplements can be found at health stores such as GNC (see Resources below).


Spice up your cooking with garlic. An increase of garlic in the diet may have a positive effect on cholesterol in some people. If you do not like the flavor of garlic, you can buy a garlic pill supplement at health food or drug stores.


Practice alternative medicine in the form of yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques. The reduced tension in your body and mind may be an effective method for lowering cholesterol. Use the Yoga Directory online to locate yoga classes in your area or to order instructional videos for use at home (see Resources below).


Make an appointment for an acupuncture session to see if it can help you lower your cholesterol. Acupuncture uses very thin needles to stimulate areas of the body to adjust your qi when you experience pain or other illness. Search, an online acupuncturist locater service, to find licensed professionals near your home (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Never try to self-treat high cholesterol with alternative medicine without consulting your doctor. Herbal remedies are not for everyone and may interact with other supplements or medications you may be taking. In cases of dangerously high blood cholesterol levels, prescription medication may be the safest and most effective way to lower cholesterol.

How to Lower Blood Sugar With Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Lower Blood Sugar With Apple Cider Vinegar

You can lower blood sugar with apple cider vinegar, which has long been valued for its nutritive properties as a folk remedy. The health benefits and effect of apple cider vinegar on blood glucose levels has been clinically researched. Follow the steps below to lower blood sugar with apple cider vinegar without having to spend your hard earned money on commercial medications.

Things You'll Need:

Apple cider vinegar supplements

Apple cider vinegar

Вј cup apple cider vinegar

Вј cup honey


Stir 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar into a glass of water or juice. Drink this right before you go to bed.


Mix ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup honey to make “honegar.” D.C. Jarvis, M.D, a well-known proponent of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, said mixing it with honey enhances its healing powers. Store your honegar in a glass jar, and take two tablespoons a day.


Purchase apple cider vinegar supplements, and take a daily dose of 285mg. This is a convenient way to fit Apple cider vinegar into a busy schedule, or if you simply do not like the taste of this vinegar dissolved in water or juice.


Make a blood-sugar-lowering salad dressing from apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Pour Вј cup apple cider vinegar into a clean jar. Add Вј cup olive oil. Shake the jar and then pour it into a spray bottle. Use the mixture as a salad spritz. Olive oil in itself is effective for lowering blood sugar.


Add apple cider vinegar to your daily diet. Use it to marinate meats and season different foods.

Tips & Warnings

Organic apple cider vinegar has a milder taste than the regular apple cider vinegar.

Hippocrates is said to have used apple cider vinegar as a health tonic

*Always seek the professional advice of your primary care physician or other licensed health care practitioner before you seek to lower blood sugar with apple cider vinegar.

*Do not take more than 2 teaspoons of undiluted apple cider vinegar a day. Taken in large doses over an extended period it tends to erode the enamel off your teeth and cause burns in the mouth and throat.

*Females suffering from osteoporosis should avoid apple cider vinegar, because it has been shown to reduce bone density if used over an extended period of time.

*Never use of apple cider vinegar with laxatives, diuretics or heart medication.