How to Find Accredited Naturopathic Schools

How to Find Accredited Naturopathic Schools

Naturopathic medical colleges are graduate institutions that offer complete physician training comparable to allopathic medical schools. Students who want to become primary care providers in states that license naturopathy need to attend accredited naturopathic schools. Unsanctioned programs may be limited to one modality, and content may vary. The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education evaluates accredited schools periodically to ensure the highest standard of comprehensive natural health care education. Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that can encompass a variety of treatments like acupuncture, massage and nutritional counseling to treat many different conditions, including allergies, asthma and arthritis.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Know What You're Looking For


Distinguish between the N.D. and N.M.D. degrees and other designations, such as D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) or L.M.T. (Licensed Massage Therapist), which do not have the same prescriptive and practice rights as licensed by the states. Among these certifications, only N.D.'s or N.M.D.'s are accepted by hospitals and insurance agencies as primary care providers.


Learn more about what to expect from naturopathic medical programs at the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges Web site (see Resources below).


Compare the 6 accredited schools that offer the N.D./N.M.D. program in the United States and Canada. These are the Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington (near Seattle); the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Western Canada; the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto; the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon; the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona; and the College of Naturopathic Medicine at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut.

Find Accredited Schools


Contact accredited schools for information about tuition, financial aid and program details.


Set up a campus visit to find the right school for you.

Tips & Warnings

Accredited naturopathic schools offer the N.D. or N.M.D. degree. These doctors are licensed to practice in Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington or Washington, D.C., as well as in Canada.

Like conventional medical schools, tuition at naturopathic colleges is expensive, but the schools have access to equal federal scholarship opportunities in addition to privately funded aid.

A certificate from a non-accredited college will not qualify you for licensing by the state.

Internet-based or remote learning programs are not recommended or accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (see Resources below).

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Do Qigong Exercises

How to Do Qigong Exercises

More than a set of exercises, more than meditation and more than just a "practice," Qigong is a lifestyle. Pronounced "chee-gong," the art of Qigong blends these elements into a total system of self-directed healing and wellness. Qigong is often used to help manage blood pressure, back pain and even cancer symptoms. Qigong exercises are inexpensive to do because no materials are required other than comfortable clothing. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable clothing


Choose a form to practice. Qigong has many different forms. Each is slightly different and has its own unique advantages.


Relax. Relaxation is central to Qigong. You must feel relaxed mentally and physically to achieve the results you want.


Breathe deeply and regularly. Don't stress about the proper "form" or "style" of your breathing. Just let your breath come naturally and evenly.


Release any tension in your body and mind.


Proceed through the exercises slowly, but with focus. Being relaxed doesn't mean being loose or sloppy. Every movement should have purpose and be done with poise and strength.


Focus on every movement. Even the slightest bend or motion has purpose.


Visualize your goal. You may use Qigong to build strength, flexibility and endurance or to manage or treat a specific condition or disease. See yourself achieving the particular results you desire.


Direct your energies. Picture the part of your body you're targeting and imagine directing your energy toward it.


Feel each breath go to the targeted area and envision oxygen and energy combining to heal and restore that organ.


Enjoy yourself. Above all, Qigong should be enjoyable and invigorating. Forget everything else going on in your life for the time you practice. It will all still be there when you're done.


Find enjoyable, low-cost classes near you to learn more about Qigong. The Qigong Institute Web site has information on classes in various cities (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Practice proper breathing techniques first. Then incorporate exercises for maximum benefit.

While practicing Qigong exercises doesn't mandate the use of any outside exercise equipment or aids, you may find it helpful to research the basic techniques involved by studying one of the guidebooks written by expert Qigong practitioners (see Resources below).

Qigong exercises are low impact and low stress, but if you experience acute back pain, dizziness or nausea when you do them, seek immediate medical attention.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Distinguish Different Chinese Herbs

How to Distinguish Different Chinese Herbs

Herbal treatments are perhaps the most recognizable of the contemporary practice of traditional Chinese medicine. There are currently about 600 different herbs used almost exclusively in combination with one another to treat physical maladies ranging from hypertension to muscle soreness. Chinese medicine proponents believe that herbal treatments restore the body's natural chemical balance. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection

Understand How Chinese Herbs Are Classified


Know the two major classification systems of Chinese herbs: temperature and taste properties.


Understand the principles of herb temperature. There are four different temperatures--hot, warm, cool and cold--that are used to restore balance to the body. For example, a cold or cool herb would be used to treat a fever, which makes the body too hot.


Learn to distinguish between the five taste properties of Chinese herbs: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty. As with the temperature principles, different-tasting herbs can be combined to restore a balance in the body that's been lost.


Visit your local health food store or an area herbalist to learn more about the temperature and taste properties that distinguish
Chinese herbs

Learn How Chinese Herbs Affect the Body


Recognize that ginseng is the only Chinese herb normally taken on its own. All 600 other herbs are administered, for medical purposes, in combinations with one another.


Find out how to distinguish between the four basic functions of Chinese herbs. They're used in medicine: ascending, descending, floating and sinking. A qualified Chinese medicine practitioner will be glad to explain the complex theory behind these functions.


Read about the six possible effects of combining different Chinese herbs: mutual accentuation, mutual enhancement, mutual counteraction, mutual suppression, mutual antagonism and mutual incapability. You can learn more about these effects by perusing the "Chinese Herbalist's Handbook" online (see Resources below).


Find a host of useful links by visiting (see Resources below). Read about the practice of Chinese medicine and Chinese herbology.

Tips & Warnings

If you're interested in trying Chinese herbal treatments, check with your health insurance provider to see if your prescription drug plan covers it. Comprehensive coverage packages sometimes cover alternative treatments. In general, Chinese herbs are inexpensively to moderately priced.

Never self-administer any medications, even herbal medications, without professional guidance. Consult a qualified practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine before you undertake a treatment program for any ailment, no matter how minor it might seem.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Differentiate Between Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine

How to Differentiate Between Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine

What is known about classical Chinese medicine is derived from a core of ancient texts scribed some 3,000 years ago by the earliest Chinese physicians. Esoteric and banned for many centuries, classical Chinese medicine evolved into the traditional Chinese medicine of today, with its now-familiar techniques like acupuncture and herbal treatments. Both techniques are used to harmonize the body, treating everything from tension to digestive disorders. Follow these steps to differentiate between traditional and classical Chinese medicine.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Understand Classical Chinese Medicine


Know that much of the wisdom of classical Chinese medicine has been lost over the centuries. What survived enjoyed a renaissance in the early 20th century, only after traditional Chinese medicine had already been developed.


Gain a working knowledge of Chinese history. Much of classical Chinese medicine's ancient knowledge was lost when it was banned during the rise of Confucius, circa the 11th century BCE.


Understand the ancient Chinese model of the universe. Based around the theory of Yin and Yang, many classical techniques invoke mystical beliefs to reinvigorate the body with missing energies.


Know that classical Chinese medicine relies heavily upon the concept of the five Elements, which are wood, fire, earth, water and metal. A balance of these elements within the body is considered important to good health.


Familiarize yourself with classical Chinese medicine's theories of the human body's important channels, vessels, organs and the energies associated with them. Start by visiting the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine Web site (see Resources below).

Differentiate Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine


Know that classical Chinese medicine wasn't practiced for centuries. Only recently has it enjoyed a renaissance. During its dormancy, what's now known as traditional Chinese medicine developed the techniques in wider use today, including acupuncture and herbal remedies.


Learn about acupuncture techniques in common use by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine today. These techniques evolved after classical acupuncture techniques fell out of favor. Classical techniques have been all but lost to history.


Visit your local health food store or talk to a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to help you differentiate between the many herbal supplements on the market. Bottled herbal treatments are a modern by-product of the evolution of traditional Chinese medicine. Classical treatments require fresh herbs.


Ask your practitioner if he or she uses classical or traditional Chinese medicine techniques. Differentiate between "classical" and "traditional" during your Internet research if you're searching for one discipline over the other.

Tips & Warnings

Consult an expert. A consultation with a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively inexpensive, and the expert will be able to fill in the gaps of anything you don't fully understand.

Never attempt self-treatment or self-diagnosis of conditions such as recurring pain or high blood pressure using any technique you might encounter during your research. Always consult a knowledgeable practitioner of Chinese medicine before beginning treatment.

Visit a doctor or emergency room immediately if you experience any chest pain.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Diagnose Using Naturopathy

How to Diagnose Using Naturopathy

Naturopathy is an alternative health science that treats conditions including allergies and chronic pain, using an emphasis on doctor-patient communication and natural, non-invasive remedies. Costs for naturopathic treatments can range from extremely inexpensive to expensive, depending on the nature of the treatment and how often it is required. Licensed naturopathic doctors diagnose ailments using, among other things, a technique that emphasizes the importance of a patient's history.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic practitioner

Internet access

Assess Your Condition


Define your symptoms. For instance, consider how long you have had recurring headaches, how severe they are and whether or not you experience them in conjunction with other symptoms.


Seek possible causes. Naturopathy takes into account the whole patient, including existing health issues, family history, living and working environment and lifestyle. The source of your condition may be internal or external. Learn more about the naturopathic system and how to evaluate your health by reading "Combining Old and New: Naturopathy for the 21st Century" or "Natural Health, Natural Medicine: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Self-Care for Optimum Health" (see Resources below).


Determine to the best of your ability whether yours is a short- or long-term condition. Some recurring ailments may be caused by allergic or stress reactions. Read about how to spot and address these health issues using naturopathy at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Web site (see Resources below).


Contact a naturopathic doctor to discuss your findings and get or confirm a diagnosis.

Tips & Warnings

Diagnose with your broad health picture in mind. Symptoms such as high blood pressure, insomnia and hives may not be isolated and could indicate a larger or more serious health condition.

Diagnose a nonspecific problem, such as achy muscles or chronic fatigue, by trying alternative therapies to see if your condition responds and improves. Acupuncture, massage or chiropractic care can often heal symptoms brought on by everyday physical and emotional stress.

Breath therapy or light exercise, such as yoga, can improve overall health in the absence of easily definable symptoms.

Self-diagnosis is intended to aid you in communicating with your health care professional. If you experience symptoms that need immediate care, such as shortness of breath or chest tightness, visit an emergency room.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to eliminate odor from new and old purses, hand bags, back packs, luggage, etc...

How to eliminate odor from new and old purses, hand bags, back packs, luggage, etc...

Ladies have you ever taken a whiff of your new or old purses, hand bags, back packs, luggage, etc.? Sometimes it doesn't smell so nice. This is something we never think about but it can be intimidating. Here's how to eliminate it.

Things You'll Need:

Purchase a favorite scent of Renuzit Electric Gel or Glade Plug-ins (Electric Gel) make sure it's the refills.

1 Warmer unit


Removing the peel of the fragrance refills, place it into the warmer unit with the clear side facing out. Let it warm up for 2-4 weeks so that the liquid get hardens a bit. This way if you accidentally puncture the clear film the fragrance liquid concentrate will not be released onto your purse, hand bags, back packs, etc. It will stay break into pieces.


Now it's ready for use. Take it out of the warmer unit.


Than place it into your old/new purse, hand bags, back packs, etc. The smell can be long lasting 8+ months or so. Enjoy the smell!!

Tips & Warnings

On leather purses the inside will smell like the choose fragrance but the outside will still smell like leather.

How to Effectively Clean Out And Organize Your Purse

How to Effectively Clean Out And Organize Your Purse

After awhile, even a small purse can get so cluttered you have to take everything out just to find one thing. There are easy ways to effectively clean out your purse and make it more organized so the problem won't happen again...or at least it will happen less often.


Take everything out of your purse and dump it out on a table.


Sort through all papers. Throw out what you don't need and what you do need to have in your purse put in one pile. Put the papers you need in a small envelope.


If you have a large wallet, consider downsizing. If you have to change purses into another purse that is significantly smaller then the purse you usually use on a daily basis, it's much easier to take the wallet out and put it into the other bag instead of having to figure out what you need to take out of it. Look for a wallet that has a little coin section.


Keep your makeup to a minimum. Use only the basics that you would absolutely use on a daily basis and not stuff that you MAY use. Instead of putting it into a makeup bag, put it into a baggie instead. A baggie is able to fold over as opposed to a more bulky makeup bag.


Next time you get a new cell phone, consider getting one that is more on the thin side than bulky.


Instead of throwing coins into the bottom of your purse, put them in the little coin section of your wallet.


Get a purse that has one or more inside zippered compartments. Use these compartments for smaller items such as gum so you always know where it is and you don't have to search all over for it.


Have a compartment in your purse for receipts. Instead of just tossing the receipt in your purse, put it in the same spot all the time. When you get home, empty out the receipts and put them where you need them.


Have a spot for everything and it will be much harder for your purse to become cluttered again.

How to Earn Cash for Used Clothing at Plato's Closet

How to Earn Cash for Used Clothing at Plato's Closet

With the right merchandise, Plato's Closet can be a cash cow.


Clean out your closet and establish "giveaway" and "sell" piles.


Go through your piles once you're finished and inspect clothing for holes, fading, stains, missing stitching and other conditions that can make clothing appear worn.


Wash all the clothing that appears to still be in good, wearable condition.


Inspect this clothing again to make sure any stains were removed and that no further harm or wear was done to the clothing.


Fold the clothing and stack it in neat but loose piles to ensure that the clothing doesn't wrinkle during its transport.


Fill out a contact information slip at Plato's Closet and present it with all of your items.


Collect whatever cash they're willing to offer you for your clothing (usually between $3 and $20 depending on brand, season and condition).

Tips & Warnings

Name brands and trendy styles tend to net the most cash, so keep that in mind when making your piles.

Though Plato's Closet does pass on some clothing, it usually has a local charitable organization that will take the clothes off your hands if you no longer want the unsellable items.

Though clothing is by far the biggest seller, Plato's Closet also accepts shoes, bags, accessories and other items that teens/young adults would be interested in.

Though some prices are fairly fixed, Plato's Closet is a bit open to negotiation if you feel that your item is worth more.

Sometimes Plato's Closet does store-wide sales or other events that focus more on selling the clothes they have rather than purchasing any new inventory, so call ahead to make sure they are accepting sales and have adequate cash before you head in.

How to Dye Shoes a Custom Color Like Purple

How to Dye Shoes a Custom Color Like Purple

It is possible to dye canvas sneakers or fabric shoes in your favorite color, such as purple. Perhaps you're looking for a new pair of running shoes, but you're tired of seeing the same colors. Or maybe you are having trouble finding the perfect purple shoes to match a purple dress or outfit.

Things You'll Need:

Fabric-covered shoes or canvas sneakers

Purple powdered fabric dye


Rubber gloves

Test fabric similar to shoes

Paintbrush or sponge


Clean the shoes with a dry cloth before dyeing them. Prepare the dye by heating two cups of water in a medium or large pot. Heat the water until it nearly boils, between 150 and 200 degrees F.


Wear rubber gloves. These will protect your hands from turning purple.


Drop a pinch of powdered purple dye into the hot water. Mix the dye with a large spoon until it is well-blended.


Test a sample piece of fabric to make sure that you get the right shade of purple. Dab some of the dye onto the sample with a paintbrush or a sponge. Add more dye to the hot water if the purple appears too light. If the purple is too dark, add some water to the pot to dilute the dye and make it lighter.


Brush the purple dye onto the first shoe, starting from the back. Apply the dye evenly, then repeat the process for the second shoe. You may want to use more than one coat depending on how light or dark you want your shoes to appear.


Dry the shoes for 24 hours before wearing them to ensure that the dye doesn't stain carpet or clothing. Clean the pot and spoon with hot, soapy water soon after you finish the shoe-dyeing process.

Tips & Warnings

Fabric dyes won't work on leather or vinyl shoes. Look for shoe paint or roll-on leather dyes instead.

How to Dye a Skirt

How to Dye a Skirt

If you want to dye a skirt, you can do so using a fabric dye obtained from a fabric or sewing store, or make your own using ink or paint. Before you dye your skirt, you need to take into consideration the material it's made from so you can select a coloring agent that will saturate the fibers of the fabric.

Things You'll Need:

Fabric dye or permanent marker ink



Soda ash



Select a fiber-reactive dye that can be used with cool water. All-purpose dyes require very hot water to become active, and because you'll need to let the skirt soak, it can be very difficult to maintain the high water


needed to get the dye to work its magic.


Use at least triple to four times the usual amount of dye if you want to turn your skirt black. It is important that you completely saturate the fibers of the fabric in black. Otherwise, the skirt's original color will linger beneath the black, giving the material an odd, murky, chromatic appearance.


Mix the dye with water, in the proportions listed in the directions, and leave the skirt to soak for as long as directed. This may be all that's necessary if you're dyeing your skirt black or another solid, dark color.


Dye your skirt using your

if you want to turn your skirt from its present color to a new, smooth, consistent and even single color. Mix the dye into your washing machine, adding about 20 cups worth of salt to the water, and set the machine to run on the longest possible cycle. Then, reset the machine just before it reaches the drain cycle.


Combine water with permanent marker ink in about a 1:1 ratio to create an inexpensive dye alternative. You can use permanent marker ink in lieu of fabric dye, especially if you want to dye your skirt black, though keep in mind that it may take several attempts before your skirt is completely saturated with its new color. Simply soak the skirt in the ink-and-water mixture until it's been absorbed into the material, and then repeat as necessary.

Tips & Warnings

You will not be able to dye "dry clean only" fabrics. The only materials you can dye are ones that you can machine wash.

Bleach your skirt to turn it white before you dye it. This will make the job of getting the dye to saturate into the fabric much easier.

Read the instructions that come with all dyes you use. Many of them require the presence of another acidic chemical, such as vinegar, in order to work properly. You may also need to use soda ash, and some dyes and additives must be dissolved in water before being added to a washing machine.

How to Dry Pantyhose in a Hurry

How to Dry Pantyhose in a Hurry

Nylon fibers often have the luster that we associate with silk, and they are used to make pantyhose. They can also be made to look like natural fibers such as cotton. Nylon is low maintenance, does not require ironing and dries quickly when washed.


Lay the pantyhose out on a clean, dry, absorbent towel. Roll the towel up into a tube with the pantyhose rolled inside. Squeeze gently to remove moisture from pantyhose. Unroll the towel and lay the hose flat on a second dry towel. They would finish air drying in a few minutes.


Drape the pantyhose over a towel rack and dry them quickly with a blow dryer set on low, cool speed. Be careful not to set the

on high or hot, because too much heat burns or melts nylons.


Clip them onto a hanger using plastic or rubber cloths clips or clothespins. Go easy so you don't snag the fabric and cause runs. Hang the hanger in front of a table or window fan and let the breeze dry them fast.


Toss your clean wet nylons into your salad spinner. Close the top securely and turn it on. Spin the water out of your pantyhose in seconds.


Put them on while they are still damp if it is summertime and you are in a hurry. The cool fabric might feel good, and pantyhose finishes drying fine while you wear them. Be careful they are only damp and not wet because sitting in wet pantyhose leads to a wet dress.

Tips & Warnings

Hand-wash your pantyhose in the shower after you wear them so they are clean and dry next time you want them.

How to Dress with Thrift Shop Chic

How to Dress with Thrift Shop Chic

If you want to save money, make your wardrobe stand out, and have fun shopping, than dressing with thrift shop chic is just right for you. Here are some tips and guidelines for patronizing the world of second-hand stores:


*Look for bargains: Because most clothes at thrift shops are used, search for low prices and take advantage of them. Unless an article of clothing is true vintage (not just vintage-style), then you should be paying less for thrift shop clothes than department store clothes. Most of the clothes I buy at thrift shops is $5 or less.


*Search for brand names: Often fashionistas will discard brand name clothes in perfect condition just because it's no longer in style, but if you know how to dress well, you can take high-quality brand name clothes you find at thrift shops and make them look fresh again. I recently bought a pair of almost-new Ann Taylor trousers a thrift shop for $2!


*Stock up on costume jewelry: One of my favorite finds at thrifts shops is costume jewelry. The selection is quirky and eclectic, ranging from vintage treasures to modern donations. They're usually cheap investments that I can wear as a novelty or to high-class events, depending on individual pieces.


*Transform your style: With the huge selection of clothes available at thrift shops, it's easy to transform your style. I personally have a Victorian Boho look I achieve through generous use of velvet, a combination of both dramatic and delicate jewelry, and interesting details, like faux fur trim, embroidered items, and pearl buttons. You, too, can go from bland to edgy by choosing a style inspired by another era, such as 1950's Bombshell, 1960's Mod, 1970's Flower Child, or 1980's Material Girl.


*Go scarf hunting: Wearing a scarf is a wonderful way to jazz up any outfit and look instantly chic. Scarves are usually plentiful at thrift shops, so look for some in pretty vintage designs, like paisley and floral. You can wear scarves as headbands, belts, sashes, or, as traditionally done, around your neck. You can also tie scarves around your ponytail.


*Wear men's clothes: If you like menswear, then the thrift shop is the ideal place to buy handsome trousers, blazers, and comfy over-sized T-shirts. Taylor clothes for a more feminine fit or leave them as they are for a baggier, more relaxed look.


*Get shoes: Look for cute Old School shoes or more modern ones. While gently used shoes need no repairs, more beaten ones might, unless you prefer brandishing the "distressed look". You can also get shoes professionally dyed if you don't like the color. Even with the cost of dying, it's usually cheaper to buy thrift shop shoes than buying new, high-quality ones.

Tips & Warnings

One of the most important things to realize about thrift shop chic is that thrift shopping requires patience. Unlike department store shopping, where instant gratification is almost always possible, it usually takes much longer to find what you seek at thrift stores. But if you can spare the time, you're sure to be rewarded with a new addition to your wardrobe that hardly costs anything at all.

How to Dress With Style and Vavoom After Forty

How to Dress With Style and Vavoom After Forty

Women over 40 often find dressing with style to be easy but adding sex appeal to be more difficult. Self-confidence is the ultimate fashion accessory for women over 40. Choosing clothing to express that confidence is the hard part.


Remember you are a mature woman, not a girl. Choose fashions made for women. Avoid teen and young adult brands. Leave those styles to the kids.


Explore designers and brands you used to consider "too old." When worn with confidence, quality, well=cut clothing is as sexy as a bare stomach or a short skirt. Purchase clothing cut to emphasize your strong points and hide those figure flaws.


Try on clothes you love and clothes you are not sure of. You never know how things look on compared to how they look on the rack. Take your time when choosing your wardrobe. Bring a friend along for support and spend as long as you need to the right combinations of clothing.


Dress in an appropriate manner for the events you attend. Choose "Mom" outfits for school functions and events with your
. Save the vavoom outfits for adult events. Your children will thank you.


Knock his socks off when you go out on the town. Look for fashion made for the confident woman over 40. Wear a backless gown or skirt slit to your thigh. Paint your toenails and find sexy open-toed shoes to wear. Emphasize the positive, forget the negative and let the vavoom flow.


Save overtly sexy fashion for the beach or the bedroom. Show style and class in your clothing selections. A little goes a long way for the woman over 40.

How to Dress With One Hand

How to Dress With One Hand

Buttoning, zipping, pullover, pull up, pull down. No matter how it is phrased, it is a matter of timing to get prepared to look good

Dress With One Hand


Gather the item until you fit your full hand around the clothing as if you are holding a purse strap


Place the opening of the item over you head


Going underneath the shirt, slide your arm through the opening of the sleeve


With assistance to the right or left hand, place the other arm underneath the clothing and slide the right or left arm through the sleeve


Proceed to pull down and straighten using your right or left hand with the thumb on top and the fingers underneath


Gather your pants as you did wit the shirt and slide your foot to the end of the pants leg; do the same for the other side left or right


While lying on your back or standing, proceed to twist and pull upward using your thumb and fingers. Your thumb is positioned on the inside of the opening while the fingers are used for guidance


Take your thumb and index finger and pull upward on the zipper


With your thumb, index finger and middle finger gather the side with the button and the side with the button whole and pull toward each other


Holding the side with the button whole with your middle finger slide the button into the whole using your index finger until the button is securely fastened

How to Dress With No Bra

How to Dress With No Bra

If you don't want to wear a bra beneath your clothes, you don't have to. But many women wear bras to support their breasts and improve the look of their clothes. Bras can ruin clothes if they peek through or if other people see the shoulder straps. If you do want to dress without a bra, there are some things to keep in mind.


Consider wearing a top with support. Many tops and dresses, especially tank-top-like blouses or halter tops come with built in shelf bras. Shelf bras give you some support without you having to wear a bra. But if you're large chested, you may find a top with a shelf bra doesn't give you enough support.


Have support built into your clothes. For special dresses, such as wedding dresses, many women have tailors add underwire or boning to the dress, so they can go without a bra.


Check your clothes. If you are going out without a bra, get dressed, then jump in place, walk back and forth in front of the mirror and bend over. Make sure you can't see your breasts through your shirt. If you don't like what you see, don't go braless.


Take off your top and put on a bra. Then see what your outfit looks like. You may find your outfit looks better if you wear a bra underneath it.

How to Dress With a Sense of Humor

How to Dress With a Sense of Humor

It's a fact that people sometimes perform an opinion about you based on the way you dress. If you're a lively, witty person who wears a perennial bright smile, stodgy, conservative clothing may not best express your funny personality and sense of style. Why not express your keen sense of humor by dressing with a little more exuberance? Take a chance and let your clothes be an expression of who you really are. After all, isn't that what fashion is all about? Here are some ways to add humor to your wardrobe.


Wear a comical t-shirt.

If you're going out for a casual afternoon, express your sense of style and humor by wearing a t-shirt with a witty saying. Pick something thought provoking and irreverent. A great place to get funny t-shirts is CafГ© Press where they have an enormous selection of entertaining and slightly irreverent decorated shirts. What better way to make people smile than to sport a cute saying on a t-shirt?


Wear exuberant colors.

With a bright, outgoing personality, you may not feel comfortable in black since you're anything but dark in your approach to life. Put on a sunny yellow or brilliant orange top or dress when you next go out and see if it doesn't alter the way people react towards you. If a yellow or orange dress is too overpowering, add a brightly colored scarf or a pair of yellow high heels instead. With color being all the rage, this is the year it will be easy to find these colors.


Wear whimsical earrings.

Instead of wearing your everyday hoops, choose earrings that express your humor and your passion for life. Do you have a cat? Why not choose some whimsical cat earrings to dangle from your ears? They'll be a great conversation starter and ice breaker. Another fun way to use earrings to express your personality is to make your own. Head down to your local bead store and see what fun charms they have to dangle from your ears. Stop thinking you have to look like everyone else.


Wear a hat.

If you haven't explored the world of funny hats lately, you're in for a thrill. You can find hats in the shape of hotdogs, hats with animal ears, and even hats with a blown up can of Spam on the front of it. While you may not want to wear these hats to work, they're great attire for a costume party and they'll certainly show you have a sense of humor.


Wear a funny pin.

Buy some pins with funny sayings and attach them to your jacket or wear an artsy, whimsical pin that's one of a kind. Some good places to find unusual pins and pins with sayings are at flea markets, thrift stores, and vintage clothing stores. You'll have so much fun shopping for pins that you might end up with a collection.