How to Differentiate Between Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine

How to Differentiate Between Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine

What is known about classical Chinese medicine is derived from a core of ancient texts scribed some 3,000 years ago by the earliest Chinese physicians. Esoteric and banned for many centuries, classical Chinese medicine evolved into the traditional Chinese medicine of today, with its now-familiar techniques like acupuncture and herbal treatments. Both techniques are used to harmonize the body, treating everything from tension to digestive disorders. Follow these steps to differentiate between traditional and classical Chinese medicine.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Understand Classical Chinese Medicine


Know that much of the wisdom of classical Chinese medicine has been lost over the centuries. What survived enjoyed a renaissance in the early 20th century, only after traditional Chinese medicine had already been developed.


Gain a working knowledge of Chinese history. Much of classical Chinese medicine's ancient knowledge was lost when it was banned during the rise of Confucius, circa the 11th century BCE.


Understand the ancient Chinese model of the universe. Based around the theory of Yin and Yang, many classical techniques invoke mystical beliefs to reinvigorate the body with missing energies.


Know that classical Chinese medicine relies heavily upon the concept of the five Elements, which are wood, fire, earth, water and metal. A balance of these elements within the body is considered important to good health.


Familiarize yourself with classical Chinese medicine's theories of the human body's important channels, vessels, organs and the energies associated with them. Start by visiting the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine Web site (see Resources below).

Differentiate Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine


Know that classical Chinese medicine wasn't practiced for centuries. Only recently has it enjoyed a renaissance. During its dormancy, what's now known as traditional Chinese medicine developed the techniques in wider use today, including acupuncture and herbal remedies.


Learn about acupuncture techniques in common use by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine today. These techniques evolved after classical acupuncture techniques fell out of favor. Classical techniques have been all but lost to history.


Visit your local health food store or talk to a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to help you differentiate between the many herbal supplements on the market. Bottled herbal treatments are a modern by-product of the evolution of traditional Chinese medicine. Classical treatments require fresh herbs.


Ask your practitioner if he or she uses classical or traditional Chinese medicine techniques. Differentiate between "classical" and "traditional" during your Internet research if you're searching for one discipline over the other.

Tips & Warnings

Consult an expert. A consultation with a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively inexpensive, and the expert will be able to fill in the gaps of anything you don't fully understand.

Never attempt self-treatment or self-diagnosis of conditions such as recurring pain or high blood pressure using any technique you might encounter during your research. Always consult a knowledgeable practitioner of Chinese medicine before beginning treatment.

Visit a doctor or emergency room immediately if you experience any chest pain.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.