How to Dye Shoes a Custom Color Like Purple

How to Dye Shoes a Custom Color Like Purple

It is possible to dye canvas sneakers or fabric shoes in your favorite color, such as purple. Perhaps you're looking for a new pair of running shoes, but you're tired of seeing the same colors. Or maybe you are having trouble finding the perfect purple shoes to match a purple dress or outfit.

Things You'll Need:

Fabric-covered shoes or canvas sneakers

Purple powdered fabric dye


Rubber gloves

Test fabric similar to shoes

Paintbrush or sponge


Clean the shoes with a dry cloth before dyeing them. Prepare the dye by heating two cups of water in a medium or large pot. Heat the water until it nearly boils, between 150 and 200 degrees F.


Wear rubber gloves. These will protect your hands from turning purple.


Drop a pinch of powdered purple dye into the hot water. Mix the dye with a large spoon until it is well-blended.


Test a sample piece of fabric to make sure that you get the right shade of purple. Dab some of the dye onto the sample with a paintbrush or a sponge. Add more dye to the hot water if the purple appears too light. If the purple is too dark, add some water to the pot to dilute the dye and make it lighter.


Brush the purple dye onto the first shoe, starting from the back. Apply the dye evenly, then repeat the process for the second shoe. You may want to use more than one coat depending on how light or dark you want your shoes to appear.


Dry the shoes for 24 hours before wearing them to ensure that the dye doesn't stain carpet or clothing. Clean the pot and spoon with hot, soapy water soon after you finish the shoe-dyeing process.

Tips & Warnings

Fabric dyes won't work on leather or vinyl shoes. Look for shoe paint or roll-on leather dyes instead.