How to Do Qigong Exercises

How to Do Qigong Exercises

More than a set of exercises, more than meditation and more than just a "practice," Qigong is a lifestyle. Pronounced "chee-gong," the art of Qigong blends these elements into a total system of self-directed healing and wellness. Qigong is often used to help manage blood pressure, back pain and even cancer symptoms. Qigong exercises are inexpensive to do because no materials are required other than comfortable clothing. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable clothing


Choose a form to practice. Qigong has many different forms. Each is slightly different and has its own unique advantages.


Relax. Relaxation is central to Qigong. You must feel relaxed mentally and physically to achieve the results you want.


Breathe deeply and regularly. Don't stress about the proper "form" or "style" of your breathing. Just let your breath come naturally and evenly.


Release any tension in your body and mind.


Proceed through the exercises slowly, but with focus. Being relaxed doesn't mean being loose or sloppy. Every movement should have purpose and be done with poise and strength.


Focus on every movement. Even the slightest bend or motion has purpose.


Visualize your goal. You may use Qigong to build strength, flexibility and endurance or to manage or treat a specific condition or disease. See yourself achieving the particular results you desire.


Direct your energies. Picture the part of your body you're targeting and imagine directing your energy toward it.


Feel each breath go to the targeted area and envision oxygen and energy combining to heal and restore that organ.


Enjoy yourself. Above all, Qigong should be enjoyable and invigorating. Forget everything else going on in your life for the time you practice. It will all still be there when you're done.


Find enjoyable, low-cost classes near you to learn more about Qigong. The Qigong Institute Web site has information on classes in various cities (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Practice proper breathing techniques first. Then incorporate exercises for maximum benefit.

While practicing Qigong exercises doesn't mandate the use of any outside exercise equipment or aids, you may find it helpful to research the basic techniques involved by studying one of the guidebooks written by expert Qigong practitioners (see Resources below).

Qigong exercises are low impact and low stress, but if you experience acute back pain, dizziness or nausea when you do them, seek immediate medical attention.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.