How to Diagnose Using Naturopathy

How to Diagnose Using Naturopathy

Naturopathy is an alternative health science that treats conditions including allergies and chronic pain, using an emphasis on doctor-patient communication and natural, non-invasive remedies. Costs for naturopathic treatments can range from extremely inexpensive to expensive, depending on the nature of the treatment and how often it is required. Licensed naturopathic doctors diagnose ailments using, among other things, a technique that emphasizes the importance of a patient's history.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic practitioner

Internet access

Assess Your Condition


Define your symptoms. For instance, consider how long you have had recurring headaches, how severe they are and whether or not you experience them in conjunction with other symptoms.


Seek possible causes. Naturopathy takes into account the whole patient, including existing health issues, family history, living and working environment and lifestyle. The source of your condition may be internal or external. Learn more about the naturopathic system and how to evaluate your health by reading "Combining Old and New: Naturopathy for the 21st Century" or "Natural Health, Natural Medicine: The Complete Guide to Wellness and Self-Care for Optimum Health" (see Resources below).


Determine to the best of your ability whether yours is a short- or long-term condition. Some recurring ailments may be caused by allergic or stress reactions. Read about how to spot and address these health issues using naturopathy at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Web site (see Resources below).


Contact a naturopathic doctor to discuss your findings and get or confirm a diagnosis.

Tips & Warnings

Diagnose with your broad health picture in mind. Symptoms such as high blood pressure, insomnia and hives may not be isolated and could indicate a larger or more serious health condition.

Diagnose a nonspecific problem, such as achy muscles or chronic fatigue, by trying alternative therapies to see if your condition responds and improves. Acupuncture, massage or chiropractic care can often heal symptoms brought on by everyday physical and emotional stress.

Breath therapy or light exercise, such as yoga, can improve overall health in the absence of easily definable symptoms.

Self-diagnosis is intended to aid you in communicating with your health care professional. If you experience symptoms that need immediate care, such as shortness of breath or chest tightness, visit an emergency room.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.